Join us for a free webinar on risks, regulations and determining the best method for your product, 3 November, 3pm GMT.

We welcome you to join us on 3 November as our microbial quality control testing experts Laura Bailey and Letitia Chisenga speak on the topic of ‘Microbial Limits Testing’.

This webinar will take place at 3PM GMT and will cover:

  • regulatory requirements for microbial limits testing
  • method suitability
  • pros and cons of various testing methods
  • experience based assessment of product testing challenges.

Determination of microbial quality is something which every pharmaceutical manufacturer must consider in the development life cycle and we invite you to join us for both the discussion and a brief Q&A session afterwards.

Registration is now open for this free webinar and can be accessed from the online landing page located here.

Company overview

As a GMP/GLP compliant laboratory with over 50 years of experience, Wickham Laboratories Ltd is an established name in the fields of pharmaceutical and medical device contract testing, research and consultancy. We conduct business with clients worldwide and the combined expertise of our laboratory technicians and managers enables us to be fully conversant with global regulatory expectations.

We are committed to providing a quality testing service, combining high levels of client satisfaction together with the maintenance of appropriate accreditation. This and the continual pursuit of delivering excellence remain central to our business.

We are routinely inspected by the MHRA, FDA and Home Office, and offer the opportunity for clients to conduct audits on a regular basis.

For more information about Wickham Laboratories Limited and our services, please contact us at +44 (0)1329 226600 or To directly request a company brochure, please visit the Brochure section of our company website.