The canton of Aargau offers all advantages of Switzerland: a liberal economic system, legal certainty and liberal labour law, political stability and high-quality of life. Low wage costs, tax rates and real estate prices are further, canton-specific advantages. In addition, the strong education system provides highly qualified, skilled and loyal employees. And the outstanding infrastructure enables short distances to partners and customers in Switzerland, Europe and the world.

So, there is a good reason why Standard & Poor’s awards Aargau with AAA – the best rating for business locations.

Swiss high-tech region Aargau

Aargau, as a leading destination for high-tech companies, has a long history of life sciences and medical technology. The canton is also known for its energy, electrical engineering, plastics and ICT clusters. Aargau is home to many international representatives of the medical device industry. For instance Smith & Nephew, Alhenia and Varian Medical Systems are located in Aargau or specialised suppliers that play an important role.

Strong partners in the field of R&D

Renowned Swiss research and educational institutions such as the Universities of Zurich and Basel, the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) are close by. Therefore, companies are certain to find strong and suitable R&D partners.

Hence it is not surprising that Aargau has twice as many employees in the field of R&D than the Swiss average.

High-tech Aargau – best conditions guaranteed

Besides these excellent framework conditions, enterprises in Aargau further benefit from "High-tech Aargau" – an initiative which was launched by the Cantonal Executive Council. High-tech Aargau promotes exchanges and collaboration between small and medium enterprises (SMEs), universities and research institutes, as well as large international corporate groups. Thereby the innovation and technology transfer is guaranteed, so that SMEs can increase their capacity to perform and compete. Also part of High-tech Aargau is the Aargau research fund, currently generously endowed.

Aargau Services – Provides support to reach the next level

The Aargau Economic Promotion Department — Aargau Services — supports entrepreneurs and investors in realising their projects swiftly and with minimal bureaucracy. It provides relevant contacts and necessary information, advises on appropriate sites and assists with intergovernmental procedures.

The free services include:

  • Answering business and location questions
  • Support through the entire start-up and relocation process (answering questions about tax and labour law, legal forms, work permits, social security etc)
  • Advice about public funds in Aargau
  • Assistance in finding employees, property or real estate
  • Networking with companies, business associations, research institutes and authorities

Contact us using the form below for an individual offer.